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Thursday, February 02, 2006

O brother! Where art thou?

Its been a while since my last post.. more than a month to be exact. I have been away unexpectedly, away from home, away from work, away from friends, away from my life!

Its kind of funny that whenever I got a chance to get online, I would check mail and then throw a quick look at some blogs (mostly Casablanca, Khizzy and Creative Lock). Its ironic that the 100 or so words written by these unknowns brings a smile to my face. Not that I was depressed or anything but just missed my routine – my comfort zone.

Why do I feel like something’s missing when things do not go according to my liking or as expected? Why this obsession with routine. As they say, we are afraid of what we do not (fore)see. Although I am a Gemini thru and thru, who needs people around me, needs variety in life, tends to be extremely restless, I am very particular when it comes to certain things… food for one, I tend to have a select few dishes that I order in any given restaurant, clothes is another. If I like a certain product, it has my undying loyalty.

Anyways, on to brighter things, am finally back to my routine. To those who kept me (in)sane through these days… grazie and kudos!
P.S. Arroclint is not an unknown, its just that he keeps surprising me with his insights!!


Blogger Casablanca said...

Awwww... how nice to read this :D

9:41 AM  

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